5-week-mini series for Beginners with a bit of experience!
So you know bird, standing on shins, whale and first inversions like candle stick and star? You don't feel like a complete beginner but still want to refine your foundations and learn more accessible poses and first transitions?
This course is for you :)
Over the course of 5 weeks we will introduce beginner-friendly poses and sequences. You will learn and strengthen your flying and basing powers and become a better spotter.
No partner needed to join, since we will be working in groups of 3 it is not necessary to be paired up in advance!
Pre-requisites: first experience with acroyoga and poses like bird, whale and standing on shins. If you haven't done inversions (upside down poses) yet, you can still join!
Class dates:
Mondays from 19:00-20:30
August 5, 12, 19, 26 & September 2
Location: Acroyoga Vienna Studio, Loquaiplatz 11/1C, 1060 Vienna (entrance at the corner to Worellstraße)
Energy exchange:
90€ for all 5 classes
25€ drop-in (single class)
We believe lack of money should not keep you from doing the things you love. If you're struggling financially but really want to learn acroyoga, contact us and we will find a way so you can join.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions with an email to acroyoga.vienna@gmail.com
We're looking forward to getting to know you and move together!
Hannah & Alexis